Of course, it's more than just wursts and sausages. German spec? Tick. Smoked pork hocks? Tick.
I was driving past it the other day and couldn't pass up the opportunity to pop in and have a browse around. The chaps behind the counter are always friendly and helpful. Of course, it helps not to go in on a Saturday when it's a veritable feeding frenzy. Weekday visits are much more serene. It shuts at 5pm on weekdays, and I think 12 noon on Saturdays.
Do yourself a favour. Next time you're in the neighbourhood, pop into Dubrovnik Butchers, and buy yourself a tasty cured treat.
In fact, now is the right time to indulge in sausages, in celebration of Oktoberfest. Get yourself a bunch of German sausages, cook them up, have a few friends over, and drink lots of German wheat beer!
Pan fried chorizo is my favorite also. It tastes great when serve with mayo garlic sauce or tamarind sweet and sour sauce. I found this combo so much mouth watering.